Sustainable Tourism
At the heart of our sustainability vision is not only the commitment to reduce our impact on the shared environment but also to contribute toward a positive change. We strive to encourage avenues for economic well-being for the host communities that we co-exist with and charm our guests with authentic & holistic experiences. We adopted ESG in 2020, the international sustainability criteria for hotels, provided by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council. In doing so, we realigned our commitments and positioned active governance, as the lever to manage our actions, monitor performance, and sustain the changes; in collaboration with our guests, tourism bodies, and industry networks.

Zero single-use plastic as our guest experience, achieved at 6 of our lodges.
Lodges present vernacular architecture styles, tastefully built with an emphasis on local and green architecture.
Lodge premises are re-wilded with native species extending into natural forests, offering safe passage to visiting wildlife and natural habitat to many other species.
Emphasis on Sustainable & Healthy Food options
50 KV net metering solar plants are installed which takes care of about 75% of our power need
Above 70% of our team is comprised of locals who are also in managerial & key positions.
For over five years we continue to be actively engaged in contributing to the education and infrastructure of the local schools.
Adopting farm-to-table initiatives by serving fresh food produce grown in our organic kitchen gardens. Also sourced from local farmers, thereby reducing our carbon miles.
Above 70% of lodge services and procurement needs are met locally.

Pugdundee lodges are periodically audited and certified by TOFT, using the Global Sustainable Tourism Criteria.
Pugdundee managers and staff participate in regular sustainability training. Lodge managers and senior management are accountable for sustainability-related changes and reporting.
A large percentage of senior managers have completed GSTC training.